Page 1: Review Your Tic-Tac-Toe Project
Unit 5, Lab 6, Page 1
MF: Project still needs to be wrapped up and updated online
In this lab, you’ll extend your Tic-Tac-Toe program to make the computer play against you.
On this page, you’ll review the blocks in your previous Tic-Tac-Toe project.
- Open your U3L3-TicTacToe project, and save it as U5L6-TicTacToe so you’ll still have your old version as a backup.
Play part of a game, stop before finishing, and then click on each of the following blocks.
Discuss what each expression does and how its code works.
You can edit a block to remind yourself of how it works if you’ve forgotten.
Two of these blocks report what’s on the board but in different ways:
status of all winning triples
. Why do you need both of those? When do you use each of them? - What tells the program that clicking in a square means to move in that square? How does it know which square you clicked?