Page 1: A Brief History of Computers

Unit 6, Lab 2, Page 1

On this page, you will explore the long history of devices used for computation.

When was the first computer built? That depends on where you draw the line between computers and non-computers.

Question 1: Answer this on the Google Form

  1. Explore the timeline below, which shows selected events in the history of computing starting 20,000 years ago. Decide what you think makes sense to call the first real computer. Why?

timeline of computer history

  • Keep in mind this timeline is outdated…
    But look at the timeline. The year markers at the bottom are equally spaced, but the number of years between them is not the same. The number of years does change in a regular way from marker to marker: right to left it goes up by a multiple of ten. We call such a scale logarithmic.

Question 2: Answer this on the Google Form

  1. Discussion:

    • Does a device have to be programmable to be a computer?
    • Does it have to operate by itself?

Here are two key ideas:

  • Software, in the form of a program stored in the computer’s memory, is, itself, a kind of abstraction. It is what makes a computer usable for more than one purpose.
  • We didn’t get usable computers until there was an underlying technology (the transistor) small enough, inexpensive enough, and fast enough to support the program abstraction.